Aretéans touch grass every day to experience the psychologically grounding benefits of being present in the natural world.

Aretéans should be people who are thoroughly connected to nature, and grounded in reality. Making time to leave the confines of our modern, indoor lifestyles in order to physically make contact with natural reality around us will help expose us to the benefits of fresh air and of being where we might interact with other people, in addition to reminding us of how beautiful the world can be.

Aretéans go outside at least once per day, regardless of weather conditions, and with minimal exceptions for health conditions. Aretéans should literally touch grass (or dirt, or the trunk of a tree, or similar if actual grass is not conveniently available) and take a moment for pause while doing so. This is an opportunity to choose to live in the present, exercising aims like connection, passion, and perception; and to soak in our physical experience of being alive. After establishing an emotional link for oneself in this manner, we tell the world to "Be Excellent to Each Other, and Party On!"

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